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Authoritarian Parenting : why it may not be the best method to raise children?

January 09, 2024

Authoritarian parenting can also be named as strict parenting. There are so many parents who unknowingly get involved in this parenting method by growing a typical mindset of raising their children under strict guidelines and unavoidable limitations. Authoritarian parenting is nothing but a raising method that also involves setting high expectations of obedience for children with a desire that children are meant to follow orders unquestionably.

Can authoritarian parenting be harmful to children?

Authoritarian parents often desire to have complete and consistent control over each and every activity of their children. Also, the authoritarian process of raising children also includes practical use of punishments like physically hurting the children for crossing forbidden boundaries. However, there are certain reasons why authoritarian parenting may not be the best choice for parents. As a matter of fact, authoritarian parenting can make children feel victimized and grow feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment in children. On the other hand, it has the potential to go terribly wrong in some cases if a child keeps having a feeling of suffocation under the intense pressure of strictness from the ones the child expects to be polite. Undoubtedly, it may leave lots of negative impacts on a child’s mind and cause massive damage to their mental health.

Parents are not just meant to be strict always, they are meant to be loving and supportive also. Authoritarian parenting methods may completely destroy the bond of understanding between children and their parents, which may eventually lead to separation in the long run. If children are misunderstood constantly, they may also grow many behavioral issues that may affect their confidence as well as positivity, which has massive potential to leave a deep impact on their studies and career also. Parents should understand that children are too young for reasoning their strictness and this is the reason why the rapid continuation of strictness may give birth to a feeling of insecurity in a child and they may completely lose their ability to express their inner feelings.

As mentioned earlier, authoritarian parenting is harmful enough for the bond between parents and children and such often-overlooked issues often take bigger shape in the future. Children and their behavior must be understood in a proper manner and it’s the parents responsibility to create awareness in their children about the consequences of taking wrong steps in life. Most certainly, it would be a healthier option to raise a child who will have a clear understanding of life choices with no hidden pain or depression. The primary thing to keep in mind is, children are special and they deserve a hassle-free and comfortable life too.
